
PBS Gallery

A gallery of listener-submitted solutions to challenges set in the Programming by Stealth blog/podcast series by Bart Busschots & Allison Sheridan.


This is a gallery of listener-submitted solutions to some of the challenges set in the Programming by Stealth blog/podcast series by Bart Busschots of Bartificer Creations and Allison Sheridan of the NosillaCast Podcast.

The Gallery


This site is hosted on GitHub, and listeners can submit their solutions using Git as described on the repo’s home page.

Conway’s Game of Life

Set at the end of instalment 42 with sample solution described in instalment 43.

Number Guessing Game

The final vesion of this challenge was set at the start of instalment 82 with sample solution described in instalment 83.

Currency Converter

Set at the end of instalment 88 with sample solution described in instalment 89.

Note that the currency converter API used in these instalments has changed their TOS and their API. They now require an account be created and a security token passed to each AJAX call. They also rate-limit the use of the API, and free accounts can’t use some previously available functionality. You will almost certainly need to update your code before submitting it to the gallery.

Currency Grid

Set at the end of instalment 89 with sample solution described in instalment 92.

The note for the currency converter applies here too 🙁

World Clock

Set at the end of instalment 92 with sample solutions described in instalment 96.

Time Sharing

Set at the end of instalment 96 with sample solutions described in instalment 100.

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